December is Read a New Book Month! We asked our teacher librarians to share a recent book and why they loved it. Tiffany Shettles-Tull, COLLEGE STATION, read "The Little Liar: A Novel" by Mitch Albom. She loved how it expressed the effects of truth and lies. #pcssdproud #serveall
Throughout December, we'll share tips on how important proper nutrition is for all ages.
Tip #2: Behavior problems due to malnutrition can be counteracted when children consume a balanced diet that includes protein, fat, complex carbohydrates, and fiber.
#pcssdproud #serveall
Congratulations to the Lady Bears for winning the Lady Ram Rumble last night! Go Bears!
What a great Holiday celebration Week! Check out some of our great pictures.
What a wonderful sound! The Sylvan Hills Choir toured this week and performed at the State Capital, Rockefeller Cancer Institute, District Office, St. Vincent Rehab Hospital, and Fox Ridge Retirement Center. If you were able to enjoy their performances, send us your photos too!
Happy Hanukkah! For the next eight nights, Hanukkah (often called the Festival of Lights), takes place for our Jewish friends. The celebration centers around lighting candles on the menorah while also enjoying food, music, and games. #pcssdproud #serveall
In 1994, the United States Congress declared December 7, National Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance. Memorials and events are held each year at Pearl Harbor as well as across the nation honoring the 2,403 Americans killed and the nearly 1,200 injured. #pcssdproud #serveall
Today begins Computer Science Education Week. This vastly growing field of study plays a vital and necessary role in our of lives. How do you see computer science represented in your daily life? #pcssdproud #serveall
December is Read a New Book Month! We asked our teacher librarians to share a recent book and why they loved it. Lani Allenbaugh from ROBINSON HIGH read "Be That Way" by Hope Larson. She enjoyed reading about the life a high school student in the late 90s. #pcssdproud #serveall
Throughout December, we'll share tips on how important proper nutrition is for all ages.
Tip #1: Foods that are rich in fiber, protein, & healthy fats keep the body feeling full longer, providing energy to focus and stay alert throughout the day.
#pcssdproud #serveall
Make sure to come out and support the Sylvan Hills Choir tonight for their Holiday Concert. The students have worked hard to prepare a marvelous event for you. Doors open at 6pm at the Performing Arts Center, and the performance starts at 6:30pm. Admission is FREE.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Today is Christmas Accessories day for Spirit Week, and our students are ready. Look for more fun all week!
Congratulations to the Junior Class for the highest % of Perfect Attendance last week! Way to go! The following students have won a free drink in the Bear Necessities store this week!
ICYMI: Congrats to the Girls' Wrestling team: They took 3rd place last week at the Central Lady Tiger Tournament with 4 Champs. Plus D’Mysha James named was named Outstanding Wrestler. Go Bears!
Welcome to December! Check out some of the great things happening around the campus at SHHS, so make sure the check out the BEARmedia, Parent Newsletter here:
Today is World AIDS Day. It's a day of awareness and support for those who are battling and those who have lost their battle with AIDS. "Let Communities Lead" is the theme for World AIDS Day 2023. #pcssdproud #serveall
Mark your Calendars! It's time for the Winter Band Concert.
Check this out! It is lunch time - Check out all of these great treats the students have made in Ms. Thomas' Foods and Nutrition course this semester. Yummy!
Make sure to come out and suppoet our Basketball teams!
Everyone loves a good sensory bag! Ms. Henley's classes just finished up their unit on "How Babies Learn." Check out these great sensory bags they made.