Mills U.S. High School


What is ICU?  ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit, just like in a hospital.  ICU is an academic support system for students and communication tool for teachers and parents and is built around a school-wide electronic database that tracks missing assignments.  All students completing all assignments is the foundation of this program.  Students learn quickly if they have one missing or poor quality assignment, their grade is sick and needs attention.  

Students with missing or poor quality assignments have their names placed on an ICU list that can be viewed by all staff members.  Students are asked by a variety of staff members: "Who do you owe?"  "What do you owe?"  "What do you need?"  "How can I help?"  Staff members re-teach content material and provide students with extra assistance to complete their work: before school, during lunch, after school, etc.  Names are removed from the ICU list when assignments are completed and quality work has been done.

It is crucial that parents, teachers, and administrators are all on the same page and convey the message that “All students will complete all assignments and do quality work.” 

If your child’s name is placed on the ICU List:

  • You will receive a text and/or an email message.

  • Your child will be given an opportunity to complete the assignment on his/her own.

  • If the work remains unfinished, additional arrangements may become necessary for your child to complete the assignment (e.g. before school, during lunch, after school, etc.).

We look forward to helping your child master the content they need to be prepared for future academic endeavors.

The ICU lifeguards are: Patricia Swinton and Deborah Bennett


ICU Time to make up work: Advisory, Lunches in room 404, and the Seminar Room across from the office.  This will start October 26 for the classes during lunch.

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Student Name_______________________________________________________________

Parent Name________________________________________________________________

Text Me at This Cell Phone Number______________________________________________

Email Me at This Address______________________________________________________