Sophomores win week 2! Way to go! These students are doing a great job.
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
Week 2 Perfect Attendance
We can't shout it loud enough! Thank you, Gwatney Buick GMC. Your support for our students and the community is beyond appreciated!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
Gwatney Supports SHHS Bear Community Service Days
Today we give a shout out to our support staff! On National Education Support Professionals Day, we thank those who strengthen our schools and communities. They play a vital role on the education team and in students' lives inside and outside the classroom. #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
support staff day
Ms. Albert's FACS class spent some time last week preparing for World Kindness Day. The students had so much fun sharing their messages and spreading kindness through the Hillside on Monday. Be Kind!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
world kindness shhs
This month we highlight our student-athletes. Our student-athletes excel in sport as well as the classroom. "I get my school work done first. Then I start watching film and try to figure things out." -Mason Urena, SYLVAN HILLS HIGH #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
athletics - shhs
It's American Education Week! This week, we celebrate our public school community. Festivities honor the team of people who work in our nation’s public schools - in the classroom and behind the scenes. Check out ways to celebrate: #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
american education week
Today is World Kindness Day! This international observance is an invitation to help make kindness the norm in your home, school and workplace. It was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. What random act kindness will you do today? #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
world kindness day
Happy Diwali! Diwali is India's biggest and most important holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
Join us this Tuesday, Nov. 14 @ 6pm for "Gearing Up For Your Future." Get valuable information from the Counseling Department about credits, attendance, and how to plan your high school years to lead you to your post-high school dreams!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
Gearing up for your Future
According to a new CDC report, vaping usage is decreasing in high schools. Earlier this week, Dr. Sherman Whitfield spoke with THV11 about how this is a top priority in PCSSD and what is done to decrease usage among students. Watch: #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
THV11 vaping
Today is Veterans Day. This is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11 for honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Thank you for your service and dedication to our country. #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
veterans day
Make sure to check out the BEARmedia Bulletin this week, our Newsletter about the events and opportunities around campus. Make sure to look at this issue to get your "Dearly Beloved" tickets for next week!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
BEARmedia 11.10.23
A huge shoutout to the Forencics and debate team for their great success again this past weekend and to Ms. Alaquinez for all of her hard work with these students! Go, Bears!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
Forensics Team Success
Check out the latest AVID Newsletter!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
AVID Newsletter
AVID Newsletter
This week we highlight the important work school psychologists do to help all students thrive. This year's theme, "Let's Grow Together," recognizes the importance of personal and shared strengths in our growth as individuals and school communities all year. #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
school psychologist week
Sylvan Hills, Maumelle, Robinson, and Mills 9-11th grade AVID students came together for a little district wide Relational Capacity “field day” which was a success thanks to some of our community partners and local colleges who came out and promoted various pathways to take after high school! Partners included Arkansas State Police, Pulaski County Sheriff's Office, Air National Guard, U of A Fayetteville, SAU, ASU, SEARK, Arkansas Welding Academy, Salon Professional Academy, The Tillman Agency Farmers Insurance, State Farm, the The Nutrition Hangout, Families Inc., and eXp Realty!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
AVID Field Day
Sophomores win week one! Keep up the good work.
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
week 1 perfect attendance
Listen up high school juniors and seniors: November is National Scholarship Month! This month has a special emphasis to research and learn more about scholarships out there. Talk to your counselors to learn more about what help is available for you! #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
scholarship month
SHHS students are out in full force today: visiting nursing homes, schools, parks, communities, and so much more to help clean up, paint, tutor, and lend a helping hand! What a great opportunity for all!
about 1 year ago, Sylvan Hills High
Community Service Event
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour when you go to bed tonight. Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. - meaning you "gain" an hour of sleep. There are only two states that don't observe DST: Hawaii and Arizona (with the exception of Navajo Nation). #pcssdproud #serveall
about 1 year ago, PCSSD
daylight saving time