A teacher from both COLLEGE STATION ELEMENTARY and MILLS MIDDLE are being honored through an Arvest Bank initiative providing resources to classrooms across central Arkansas. https://www.pcssd.org/article/914823 #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
cses arvest bank award
Students from the MILLS UNIVERSITY STUDIES HIGH DRIVEN program volunteered with LANDMARK ELEMENTARY students. They helped in art, music, math, reading, and several other areas around the school. They are great role models for the younger students! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Wilbur D. Mills University Studies High
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November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month. PCSSD abides by the McKinney Vento Act to ensure the educational rights and protections for all children and youth experiencing homelessness and in need of foster care. https://www.pcssd.org/page/mckinney-vento-act-homeless-foster-resources #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
national homeless youth awareness month
PCSSD Director of STEM, Dr. Justin Luttrell, and COLLEGE STATION ELEMENTARY teacher, Mrs. Tracy Harris, recently attended a Lego Spike Robot training. Kits should be available for use in PCSSD Libraries in January. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
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SYLVAN HILLS HIGH AVID students are getting to tour area colleges, including the University of Central Arkansas and Hendrix University. Juniors attended classes and met with professors. Sophomores were able to compare public and private schools. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Sylvan Hills High
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Today is Giving Tuesday - a day to promote generosity. GivingTuesday.org offers many options to give back today from donating money, helping a neighbor, volunteering, donating food, and many more. How are you giving today? #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
giving tuesday
Congratulations to the ROBINSON JAG for winning state competition! 1st place - Career Preparation: Samuel Dardenne 1st place - Creative Decision-Making Team: Braxton Blaty, Trey Guire, and Baylee Mabry 2nd place - Employability Skills: Jada Tolbert 3rd place - Prepared Speaking: Quinci Scott Students won a trip to Florida to compete on at nationals! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Joe T. Robinson High
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The COLLEGE STATION ELEMENTARY AVID “Guys in Ties” and “Girls in Pearls” visited Pulaski Technical College: University of Arkansas Culinary Arts and Hospitality Institute. The students were treated to a cooking demonstration, and tour. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, College Station Elementary
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It is Cyber Monday. What gifts are you looking for online today? #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
cyber monday
Congratulations to the CRYSTAL HILL ELEMENTARY Archery Team for winning first place in the 2022 NASP Invitational Tournament! Some students were recognized for their individual efforts: Pierson Clemons, Kamden Graham, Alex Rigsby, Nicole Roberts. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hill Elementary
CATO ELEMENTARY has this inspiring quote on the wall near the cafeteria for all students to see every day and know that they are important and are here to make a difference in our community, our state, our country, and even the world! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Cato Elementary
cato quote
Today is Small Business Saturday! Shop small and shop local this holiday season! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
small business saturday
Ms. Lee’s Pre-K class at OAK GROVE ELEMENTARY has been learning about turkeys and used some creativity to create their own! Great work, students! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Oak Grove Elementary
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It's Black Friday! Are you shopping for deals today? #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
black friday
Happy Thanksgiving from PCSSD to you and your family! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
PINE FOREST ELEMENTARY is mapping the road to college to show students the AVID steps to take to be college bound. Success starts with Communication, Opportunities, Life-long learning, Listening strategies, Enthusiasm, Goal setting, and Effort. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Pine Forest Elementary
pfe college bound
Student athletes are more than just athletes. ROBINSON Athletic Director Todd Eskola says "We want you to be well rounded and involved in more than one activity! Try out for a team, join the band/choir, find an organization to be plugged in with! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Joe T. Robinson High
robinson athletics
Students at CHENAL ELEMENTARY recently showed their support to their friend and classmate, Cole, who is fighting cancer by wearing green and yellow. Never give up - you PCSSD family is fighting with you! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Chenal Elementary
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This year we've reconvened student representatives at our monthly board meetings. Student involvement is an important part of the democratic process of our school board meetings. In October, sophomore Lezlie Roberts represented MILLS UNIVERSITY STUDIES HIGH. Earlier this month, senior Brooke Zermatten represented SYLVAN HILLS HIGH. We appreciate these students for taking the time to participate in these meetings. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
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Did you know SYLVAN HILLS MIDDLE girls basketball coach is a former college and WNBA star? Coach Shekinna Stricklen played for the Univ. of TN from 2008-2012 and the WNBA until 2021. In 2019, she won the 3-point contest at the WNBA All-Star Game! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, Sylvan Hills Middle
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