LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Mills University Studies High School is preparing for their fall production, Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town,” November 16-18 at 7 p.m.
“Our Town” is a groundbreaking, timeless classic that aims to show how our lives can be beautiful if we are appreciative, but painful if we are willfully ignorant.

As the audience is introduced to a typical day in Grover's Corners, its people, its charm and easy-going slice of authentic living, the audience gradually sees the story, and its narrative, change to one complex theme. By Act III, the viewers will come to the realization that “Our Town” isn't only about Grover's Corners, but every town, neighborhood, and street corner. We learn that the regret of taking that ideal life for granted isn't limited to the characters of the play, but could apply to each of us if we fail to appreciate all that life has to offer.
"Our Town" - was written in 1938, by acclaimed playwright and author Thornton Wilder. It starts out seemingly innocuous in Act I, where the narrator, the stage manager, talks to the audience directly and tells them the story of the ideal American small town, Grover's Corners, New Hampshire.

Tickets are on sale at the Mills University Studies High front office. General admission (12 and up) are $7. All PCSSD students (with a student ID) are $5. And all PCSSD staff (with a District ID) are free. Tickets are also available at the door. All entrants must secure a ticket as seating is limited for each performance.