board meeting

May Board Meeting
May 14, 2024 at 6 p.m.
PCSSD Central Office Board Room / Virtual Broadcast


  1. Call to Order - Stephen Delaney

  2. Roll Call -  Heather Smith 

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Public Comments

  5. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

    1. April 9, 2024

  6. Certified PPC Presentation

  7. Classified PPC Presentation

  8. Reports

    1. Using Motivation to Move the Data - Tracy Allen, Sylvan Hills High; Yvone West, Sylvan Hills Junior High; Dr. Nick Farr, Maumelle High

    2. Q4 Inspiration in Education - Jessica Duff, APR

    3. 2023-2024 Teachers of the Year - Jessica Duff, APR

    4. AVID Summer Institute Update - Dr. Janice Warren

    5. Financial Updates - Jacque Rowlett

    6. Construction Updates - Curtis Johnson

  9. Action Items - Old Business

    1. Proposed Board Policy 9.05 Acting Rate Exempt Allowance - Dr. Yolaundra Williams

    2. Proposed PPC Licensed Personnel Employment, Assignment and Duties - Brenda Robinson

    3. Revised Board Policy 3.4 Licensed Personnel Reduction in Force - Brenda Robinson

    4. Legal Updates to Select Certified Personnel Policies - Stephen Delaney

    5. Additional Certified Employees Hire List for 2024-2025 School Year - Dr. Yolaundra Williams

  10. Action Items - New Business

    1. UA - Little Rock and PCSSD MOU - Dr. Charles McNulty

    2. 2024-2025 Student Handbook - Dr. Janice Warren

    3. Resolution to Compensate Employees for School Closure Due to Inclement Weather - Dr. Yolaundra Williams

    4. Proposed Classified Employees Hire List for 2024-2025 School Year - Dr. Yolaundra Williams

    5. Proposed Classified Allocations for 2024-2025 School Year - Dr. Yolaundra Williams

    6. Proposed Certified Allocations for 2024-2025 School Year - Dr. Yolaundra Williams

    7. Proposed Supplemental Index Allocations and Updates for 2024-2025 School Year - Dr. Yolaundra Williams

    8. Maumelle Police Department SRO MOU - William El-Amin

    9. Robinson Elementary Self-Contained Program Project - Stephanie Cole and Michele Pickett

  11. Comments from the Board

  12. Superintendent's Comments

  13. Consent Agenda

    1. Renewal: REVEAL Math 6-12 Curriculum

    2. Renewal: Everyday Math Curriculum 24-25

    3. April Communication Report

    4. 2024-2025 Assurances and GEPA Statement

    5. Property Disposal Request for Terence Clark (Laptop)

    6. Property Disposal

    7. Studies Weekly Elementary Renewal

    8. Flocabulary District Renewal

    9. Discovery Education High School SS Techbook Renewal

    10. Renewal: School Status

    11. Discovery Education Techbook for Middle School Social Studies

    12. Summer Instrument Repair

    13. Renewal: Secondary Science Curriculum

    14. April 2024 Accounts Payable Check Register

    15. April 2024 Board Financials

    16. Certified Staff Personnel

    17. Support Staff Personnel

    18. Lakeshore Furniture

  14. Executive Session #1 - Grievance Settlement

  15. Employee Hearings/Level III Grievances

  16. Executive Session #2 - Employment

  17. Adjournment