Section 6: School, Home, and Community Relations
6.2: Relations with School Support Organizations
6.3: Public Gifts and Donations to the Schools
6.8: Distribution of Printed Materials
6.9: Media Relations and News Releases
6.10: Sex Offenders on Campus (Megan’s Law)
6.11: Parental, Family, and Community Engagement - District
Section 6 of the ASBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools. Except for policies concerning education agencies, statements on public sector relations with the school district are located in this section, too.
The single most significant factor in student achievement is the teacher. The teacher’s effectiveness is greatly enhanced when supported by the school community as a whole, the student’s home, and the community at large. The Arkansas General Assembly and the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education have demonstrated their understanding of the importance of involving such groups by repeatedly mandating their inclusion in the educational system and process. Communication with staff, parents, grandparents, legal guardians, business, and community members is fundamental to increasing their concern for, and involvement in, raising student achievement.
Communication should be two-way between the District and the public. The communications program shall strive to:
Increase mutual understanding, trust, and support between the District and parents, business, and the community as a whole;
Keep District staff regularly informed of upcoming District programs and events as well as noteworthy staff and student accomplishments to enable all the staff to help promote positive public relations;
Create and disseminate brochures, flyers, and fact sheets that will help parents and community members better understand school policies and procedures and acquaint them with areas where their volunteer services are most needed;
Inform legislators of the accomplishments of the District’s students and staff, as well as how proposed legislation could affect the district;
Maintain good relations with the news media and provide the media with pertinent news releases; and
Increase the participation of parents, grandparents, legal guardians, business, and community members in school activities and programs.
The Board will appoint committees, when appropriate, to help the District examine issues facing it. Such committees may include members of the public, students, parents, and school employees, as well as members of the Board. Members may serve until the committee makes its non-binding recommendations to the Board.
Any committee, which includes among its members a member of the School Board, shall operate according to the requirements of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.*
The District’s Board of Directors shall hold a meeting annually to provide a report that systematically explains the District’s policies, programs, and goals to the community. The District’s report shall detail the progress of the District and the District’s schools toward accomplishing program goals, accreditation standards, and proposals to correct any deficiencies. The report shall be made available to the public, including by posting a copy on the District’s website under State-Required Information no later than ten (10) days following the meeting, with the most recent annual report posted by September 1 of each year. The meeting shall provide parents and other members of the community the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions concerning the District’s program.
Legal References:
A.C.A. § 6-15-1005(c), (f)(1)(2)
A.C.A. § 6-16-603 (a)(3)
*A.C.A. § 6-18-2003
*A.C.A. § 25-19-106
Standards for Accreditation: 3-B.1, 3-B.2, 3-B.2.1, 5-A.1
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education: Regulations Governing Gifted and Talented Program Approval Standards: 4.0; 10.03
DESE Rules Governing Documents Posted To School District And Education Service Cooperative Websites
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Last Revised: 1/9/25
The Board recognizes and values the many contributions support organizations make to the District’s schools. Parent/teacher organizations and booster clubs work to augment and strengthen the District’s educational and extracurricular objectives through the goods and services they provide. Pulaski County Special School District employees shall not be involved in the financial transactions and financial reporting of these organizations of the school in which they are employed. Any borrowing or lending agreements entered into by support organizations are subject to prior written approval by the Superintendent and Board.
Groups wishing to be recognized as a support organization must have open membership and have their by-laws approved by the school principal and the Superintendent or his/her designee; School personnel shall assist approved booster organizations in their efforts to the extent practicable. Meetings of such organizations, cleared through the principal, shall not be subject to school use fees. School staff members are encouraged to attend and participate.
Fund-raising activities are to be approved in advance by the principal or his/her designee. Prior to the donation of equipment and/or supplies to the school, the organization should seek the advice of the principal and approval from the Director of Elementary Education/Director of Secondary Education, and the Director of Information Technology to help ensure the compatibility of the donation with present school equipment. All equipment donated to the District becomes the property of the District.
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Last Revised: 1/11/22
I. Purpose: To establish guidelines to govern the acceptance of gifts to the schools
II. Personnel Affected: Superintendent, Administrative Staff and School Principals
The District and the Board of Education may receive monetary gifts or donations of goods or services that serve to improve or enhance the goals of the District. Any gifts to the District become the property of the District and are subject to the same regulations as any other District owned property.
It is a breach of ethical standards and a violation of Arkansas law for any Board member, administrator, or District employee to receive a gift of any kind in return for employment with the District, or to influence the award of any contract or transaction with the District. All personnel shall examine the “reasonableness” of any gift or donation against its potential for real or perceived violation of the aforementioned ethical standards before accepting any gift or donation in the name of a school or the District.
The Board reserves the right to not accept any gift or donation that would not contribute to the attainment of District goals or that would obligate the District to unacceptable outlays of District resources. The administration shall present for Board consideration and approval any gifts or donations the administration deems could so obligate the District.
The Board will strive to honor the donor’s intent regarding gifts earmarked for a specific purpose; however, laws and District’s needs change with time and the District reserves the right to adjust the use of any gift to meet current needs of the educational program.
The Board authorizes the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee to act as the District’s official representative for all school-affiliated online fundraisers.
Legal References:
A.C.A. § 6-24-110
A.C.A. § 6-24-112
Manual Adoption: 2/8/00
Date Adopted: 8/8/17
Last Revised:
The Board recognizes that citizens who voluntarily contribute their time and talents to the enrichment and improvement of public schools are valuable assets. The Board, therefore, welcomes and encourages adult and student participation in volunteer activities within the District. Services volunteers will be accepted in the schools and Administrative office to perform appropriate tasks under the direction and supervision of professional personnel. Recruitment, utilization, coordination, and training of volunteers are the responsibility of the school administration and will be carried out as directed or delegated by the Superintendent. Every effort will be made to utilize volunteer resources in a manner that will ensure maximum contribution to the welfare and educational growth of students.
Enlisting the support of volunteers is a way in which the District can expand the scope of resources and knowledge available to enrich the students’ educational experiences while strengthening the relationship between the school and the community. Volunteers can also perform non-instructional tasks that allow licensed personnel more time to devote to instruction.
The Superintendent shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a program to coordinate the services volunteers are willing and able to contribute to the needs of District personnel. The program shall establish guidelines to ensure volunteers are aware of pertinent District policies and rules. Volunteers who violate school policies or rules or knowingly allow students to violate school rules may be asked to leave the school campus. The guidelines should also include provision for evaluation of the volunteer program and a method for soliciting suggestions from the volunteers and staff for its improvement.
Additionally, all coaching volunteers must:
Be at least twenty-two (22) years of age; and
Meet the requirements adopted by the Arkansas Activities Association (AAA) to volunteer for any athletics program for grades seven (7) through
–twelve (12).
A member of the Board of Directors of the District or the spouse of a member of the Board of Directors of the District may not be a registered volunteer for the District unless a majority of the disinterested members of the Board of Directors approves a resolution for the board member or board member’s spouse to be a registered volunteer. The resolution approving the board member or board member’s spouse to be a registered volunteer shall be effective for only one (1) school year.
A volunteer may act as a head coach in all varsity junior and senior high sports administered by the AAA except in the following sports:
Basketball; and
Track and field.
Background Checks for Volunteers
Clear background checks for school volunteers are required prior to any volunteer service to the school district, school, teacher, or classroom, and all clear check volunteers will be issued special volunteer identification to wear prominently when performing their volunteer duties; no person may serve as a volunteer without wearing the provided identification.
For the purposes of this policy, “clear background check” shall mean that:
A background check was performed on the potential school volunteer in accordance with A.C.A. §§ 12-12-1601 et seq.;
The potential school volunteer has not committed any of the crimes or offenses contained in A.C.A. §§ 6-17-410, 6-17-411 or 6-17-414 according to both the National and Arkansas background checks;
The potential school volunteer’s name was not found on the Child Abuse Central Registry;
The Arkansas Educator Licensure System does not indicate the potential volunteer to:
Have a currently suspended or revoked educator’s license; or
Be the recipient of a current Level 3 or Level 4 public notification of ethics violation.
A person wishing to volunteer in a capacity that requires a background check may not perform volunteer services requiring a background check until the District receives a clear background check. Once received, a clear background check is good for three years; a background check renewal must be applied for, and a clear background check received prior to the time of renewal, or an interruption of permitted volunteer service could occur. A clear background check will be accepted of any individual wishing to volunteer, provided it is conducted within the timeframe provided for in this policy.
The Application for an initial background check may be made through the school administrative office. The District will incur the fee charged for performing the initial check and any renewal checks.
A person who failed a previous background check may petition the Board for a waiver from this policy's requirement. The petition shall be accompanied by a signed authorization to disclose his or her entire criminal and child abuse registry history. In deciding whether to grant a waiver, the board may take into consideration: the circumstance or circumstances surrounding the act or omission that lead to the conviction, the Child Abuse Registry's true finding, or the receipt of the Level 3 or Level 4 Public Notification of Ethics Violation: the age of the person at the time of the act or omission: the length of time that has passed without reoffending: and other relevant circumstances. If the Superintendent recommends a waiver be granted, the Board may adopt a resolution by majority vote providing an exception to this policy's requirement for a time period not to exceed one year. The board must consider this matter in an open session and may not confer or deliberate in a closed or executive session.
The board shall not have the authority to waive the application of this policy to any potential volunteer who is a Registered Sex Offender or whose educator license has been revoked or is currently suspended.
Clear background checks for school volunteers are required prior to any volunteer service to the school district, school, teacher, or classroom, and all clear check volunteers will be issued special volunteer identification to wear prominently when performing their volunteer duties; no person may serve as a volunteer without wearing the provided identification.
No information relating to the application for or receipt of a criminal background check, including that a background check has or has not been applied for, shall be subject to disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, as provided by A.C.A. §§ 12-12-1601 et seq. Requests for background checks and reports on background checks obtained under this policy shall be retained by the district for a minimum of three (3) years.
The superintendent or a third-party vendor shall report to the state board the name of any person working as a registered volunteer in an athletic coaching capacity who:
Has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to or has been found guilty of any felony or misdemeanor listed in A.C.A. § 6-17-410(b);
Has been arrested or charged with any felony or misdemeanor listed in A.C.A. § 6-17-410(b);
Has intentionally compromised the validity or security of any student test or testing program administered or required by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE);
Has knowingly submitted falsified information or failed to submit the information requested or required by law to DESE, the State Board, or Arkansas Legislative Audit; or
Has a true report in the Child Maltreatment Central Registry.
The District shall maintain the following information on volunteers:
a. The total number, location, and duties of all volunteers;
b. The total number of annual hours of service provided by volunteers; and
c. Any reimbursements made to volunteers for expenses, transportation, or other costs incurred in connection with volunteer services.
Volunteers who are mandated reporters will be made aware of their status as mandated reporters of child maltreatment and will receive training on the responsibilities of a mandated reporter.
Legal References:
A.C.A. §§ 6-17-301
A.C.A. §§ 6-17-410
A.C.A. §§ 6-17-411
A.C.A. §§ 6-17-414
A.C.A. §§ 6-17-428
A.C.A. § 6-18-110
A.C.A. §§ 6-22-101 et seq.
A.C.A. §§ 12-12-1601 et seq.
A.C.A. § 12-18-909(g)(21)
A.C.A. §§ 21-13-101 et seq.
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Background Checks
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators
Manual Adoption: 2/8/00
Adopted: 3/8/83
Last Revised: 8/8/23
Parents, grandparents, legal guardians, businesses, and community members are welcome and encouraged to visit District schools. To minimize the potential for disruption of the learning environment, visitors, for a purpose other than to attend an activity open to the general public, are required to first report to the school’s main office and receive authorization from the building principal or the principal’s designee before the individual may enter the school proper. No one shall be exempt from this requirement. Visitors who are Level 3 or Level 4 sex offenders may only enter a school campus under the provisions listed in Policy 6.10.
Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to participate in regularly scheduled visitation events such as school open houses and parent/teacher conferences. Additional conferences are best when scheduled in advance. Conferences shall be scheduled at a time and place to accommodate those participating in the conference. Visits to individual classrooms during class time are permitted on a limited basis with the principal’s prior approval and the teacher’s knowledge.
Visitors, including parents, wishing to speak with students during the school day shall register first with the office. Visitors, including parents, who visit the school for school-sanctioned events may use a device for the purpose of recording audio or video or take photographs to capture performances or the like, which includes their child(ren).
Visitors to the school are directed not to use a device to:
Record audio or video or take photographs in areas where a general expectation of
personal privacy exists, including but not limited to locker rooms and bathrooms; or
Create, send, share, capture, or post audio, video, or photographs of District students
unless the visitor:
Has received permission to do so from someone authorized to grant such
permission on behalf of the student or the student if the student is eighteen (18
years old);
Received authorization from the District to do so on behalf of the District; or
Is required to do so as part of the individual’s job duties, including as a member
of the media.
The District has the right to ask disruptive visitors to leave its school campuses. If disruptive visitors refuse to leave school property when requested to do so, principals are authorized to seek the assistance of law enforcement officers.
Legal References:
A.C.A. § 6-21-606
A.C.A. § 6-21-607
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Last Revised: 5/9/23
Last Revised: 6/14/24
All fundraising activities held in the District or in the name of the District must be pre-approved in writing by the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. Approval will be predicated on the potential for return relative to the time and energy to be invested in the fundraising. Fundraising that conflicts excessively with and/or detracts from student or teacher instructional time in either the planning or the execution of the activity will not be approved.
Neither an individual school nor the District shall be liable for any contract between clubs or organizations and third parties.
Student participation in any fundraising activity shall:
Be voluntary. Students who choose not to participate shall not forfeit any school privileges. It shall not be considered discriminatory to reward those who participate; and
Not influence or affect the student’s grade.
For purposes of this policy, “Door-to-door sales” means the selling of merchandise outside of the child's home and off the school grounds.
Secondary Schools
Fundraising in the secondary schools may only be done by officially sanctioned student clubs, spirit groups, school PTAs, or parent booster clubs. Student clubs and spirit groups must receive written approval from their sponsor and the school principal before submitting the fundraising proposal to the Superintendent.
Door to door fundraising activities are generally discouraged. If approved, students wishing to participate who are under the age of eighteen (18) must return to their sponsor a signed parental notification and permission form.
Elementary Schools (K-6)
Fundraising in the elementary schools may only be done by the school or a school sponsored organization. Door to door fundraising activities are generally discouraged, but there shall be no more than one (1) such activity per school per school year.
Schools must provide written notification of the following to parents or legal guardians of elementary students who participate in fundraising programs:
Student participation in fundraising programs is voluntary;
Students who do not participate will not forfeit any school privileges;
Students may not participate in fundraising programs without written parental permission returned to school authorities;
An elementary student who sells fundraising merchandise door to door must be accompanied by a parent or an adult; and
Unless the school provides supervision, parents must accept responsibility for appropriate adult supervision.
Online Fundraisers
All school-affiliated online fundraisers must be approved by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee. The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee shall act as the point of contact for all school-affiliated online fundraisers. An employee may be disciplined, up to and including termination, if the employee establishes:
A school-affiliated online fundraiser without the permission of the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee; or
The employee as the point of contact for a school-affiliated fundraiser instead of the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee.
For purposes of this policy, a “school-affiliated online fundraiser” includes, but is not limited to, a fundraiser intended to raise funds for a particular teacher’s classroom, grade, student club or organization, or athletic team.
Legal References:
A.C.A. § 6-18-1102
A.C.A. § 6-18-1104
Date Adopted: 8/8/17
Last Revised:
It is a goal of the Board and the District to be responsive to the community it serves and to continuously improve the educational program offered in its schools. The Board or the District welcomes constructive criticism when it is offered with the intent of improving the quality of the system’s educational program or the delivery of the District’s services.
The Board formulates and adopts policies to achieve the District’s vision and elects a Superintendent to implement its policies. The administrative functions of the District are delegated to the Superintendent, who is responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the District. Individuals with complaints concerning personnel, curriculum, discipline (including specific discipline policies), coaching, or the day to day management of the schools need to address those complaints according to the following sequence:
Teacher, coach, or other staff member against whom the complaint is directed
Director of Pupil Services (discipline)
Director of Elementary or Secondary Education (personnel, curriculum, coaching, or the day to day management of the schools)
Other than in the few instances where statutorily allowed or required, student discipline and personnel matters may not be discussed in Board meetings. Individuals with complaints regarding such matters need to follow the sequence outlined above.
Unless authorized by the Board as a whole for a specific purpose, no individual Board member has any authority when acting alone. District constituents are reminded that the Board serves as a finder of fact, not unlike a jury, in matters such as student suspensions initiated by the Superintendent, expulsions, and personnel discipline. For this reason, the board may not be involved or informed prior to a board hearing on particular disciplinary matters.
Complaints that are related to district use or administration of federal funds generated through specific programs identified by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and authorized in the 2002 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act may be taken directly from a patron or by referral from the DESE. If taken directly from a patron, the complaint may be submitted by either a signed statement or by a certified, recorded deposition or statement in which the complainant is identified. The complaints shall be addressed in the following manner.
The complaint shall be referred to the federal programs director, who shall assemble a team of at least two people to investigate the complaint.
Throughout the investigation, sufficient notes and records will be taken and maintained to substantiate the position of the findings of the investigation.
The team will interview the complainant and others as necessary to enable the team to make a determination of the validity of the complaint. The team may consult with individuals with knowledge or expertise in the matter which is the subject of the complaint, including legal counsel.
The investigation of complaints referred by the DESE shall be completed within 30 work days of receipt of the complaint, unless a longer time period has been approved by the DESE.
The investigation of complaints made directly to the district shall be completed within 40 work days unless there are extenuating circumstances; in such a case, a preliminary report shall be made within 40 work days of receipt of the complaint, which shall include an explanation of the unusual circumstances requiring additional time to complete the investigation.
The report of the conclusions of the investigation shall be given to the complainant. It shall contain: a summary of the allegations of the complaint; a summary of the investigative actions taken by the team; a summary of the findings concerning each alleged violation or implied violation; a statement of corrective actions needed to resolve the issues involved in each allegation and finding of complaint.
A complaint may be withdrawn by the complainant at any time without prejudice.
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Revised: 6/26/19
The District shall devise and maintain a system for distributing District communications and other printed materials between the Administration and the schools. Use of the system by employees or employee organizations shall be with prior approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Distribution of printed materials, flyers, photographs, or other visual or auditory materials not originating within District schools to students or staff shall have prior approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Last Revised:
It is important that the District maintain good relations with the media. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall devise and implement a plan for the release of pertinent information to the media regarding educational programs, awards, or other student and staff achievements, and special events. The plan shall not require schools to clear the release of public service announcements through the District Administration prior to their release, but may require schools to obtain the approval of the Director of Communications prior to the release of any statistical type data.
The District shall attempt, within reason, to accommodate media requests for interviews and shall endeavor to be fair and impartial in its treatment of media representatives.
The release of information to the media shall be done in a timely manner, either by written releases or by telephone interviews, to keep patrons abreast of newsworthy District achievements and shall strive to be factual and objective with personal opinions duly noted.
The Board encourages students and staff to participate in academic competitions and programs. Awards earned in such endeavors shall be communicated to the media. Award recipients may also be recognized at Board meetings.
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Last Revised:
The PCSSD School District shall work with area law enforcement in a manner consistent with applicable state law and Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules to communicate the presence of a sexual offender. When necessary, law enforcement may contact building principals to provide information concerning registered sex offenders. The decision regarding the school principals to be notified rests solely with law enforcement officials; law enforcement officials use a rating system to determine who needs to be notified, which is according to the sex offender’s dangerousness to the community.
In turn, building principals should notify any employee who regularly in a position to observe unauthorized persons on or near the school’s property in the ordinary course of employment. Employees notified could include any of the following: aides, bus drivers, coaches, maintenance staff, professional support staff, school level administrative staff, security personnel, teachers’ assistants, and teachers.
It is important that school personnel who receive sex offender notifications understand that they are receiving the sex offender notifications in their official capacity and are not to disseminate information about an offender to anyone outside the school. If school personnel are asked about notification information by an organization using school facilities, the organization should be referred to the area law enforcement agency that issued the notice.
Persons not to be notified, except at the specific discretion of area law enforcement officials, include members of parent-teacher organizations, other schools, organizations using school facilities, students, parents or guardians of students, and the press. District personnel may inform the press about procedures that have been put in place and other general topics, but may not reveal the name or any other specifics regarding an offender.
A parent or guardian who is a Level 1 or Level 2 sex offender shall be allowed to enter the school campus to attend parent-teacher conferences or any other activity that is appropriate for a parent, guardian, or community member.
Level 3 and Level 4 sex offenders may only enter the school campus in the following instances.
The offender is a student attending school in the district;
To attend a graduation or baccalaureate ceremony:
It is a non-student contact day according to the school calendar or no school-sponsored event is taking place on campus;
The offender is a parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the district and goes directly to the school office to have school personnel deliver medicine, food, or personal items for the student;
The offender is a parent or guardian of a student and enters the school campus where the student is enrolled to attend a scheduled parent-teacher conference and the offender is escorted to and from the conference by a designated school official or employee.
A Level 3, but not a Level 4, sex offender may attend a school sponsored event for which an admission fee is charged or tickets are sold or distributed if the sex offender:
Is the parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, or guardian of or is related by blood or marriage within the second (2nd) degree of consanguinity to a student enrolled in the public school; and
Notifies the administration of the school in writing at least twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the event that he or she will be attending the event.
A Level 3 and Level 4 sex offender who is the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district and who wishes to enter the school campus in which the student is enrolled for any other purpose than those listed above, must give reasonable notice to the school principal or his/her designee. The principal or designee may allow the sex offender to enter upon the campus provided there is a designated school official or employee to escort and supervise the sex offender while they remain on campus. The sex offender shall not enter upon the school campus until such time as a designated school official or employee is available.
Copies of the notification from law enforcement should be kept in a secure place accessible to teachers and staff, but should not be posted on school bulletin boards or made available to students or members of the community at large.
Legal References:
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Guidelines for “Megan’s Law”
A.C.A. § 5-14-132
A.C.A. § 12-12-913 (g)(3)
A.C.A. § 28-9-212
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Revised: 2/1/18
Last Revised: 6/26/19
6.11 Parental, Family, and Community Engagement - District
The Pulaski County Special School District understands the importance of involving parents, families, and the community as a whole in promoting higher student achievement and general goodwill between the district and those it serves. Therefore, the district shall strive to develop and maintain the capacity for meaningful and productive parent, family, and community engagement that will result in partnerships that are mutually beneficial to the school, students, parents, families, and the community. To achieve such ends, the district shall work to:
Involve parents, families, and the community in the development of the long-range planning of the district;
Give the schools in the district the support necessary to enable them to plan and implement effective parental, family, and community engagement activities;
Have a coordinated engagement program where the engagement activities of the district enhance the involvement strategies of other programs such as Head Start, HIPPY, Parents as Partners, Parents as Teachers, ABC, ABC for School Success, area Pre-K programs, and Even Start;
Explain to parents, families, and the community the State’s academic and achievement standards, State and local student assessments, and how the district’s curriculum is aligned with the state’s academic standards and assessments and how parents, families, and the community can work with the district to improve students’ academic achievement;
Provide parents and families with the materials and training they need to be better able to help their child achieve. The district may use parent resource centers or other community-based organizations to foster parent and family engagement and provide literacy and technology training to parents.
Educate district staff, with the assistance of parents, in ways to work and communicate with parents and to know how to implement parent, family, and community engagement programs that will promote positive partnerships between the school and parents, families, and the community;
Keep parents, families, and the community informed about parental, family, and community engagement programs, meetings, and other activities they could be involved in. Such communication shall be, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents and families can understand;
Find ways to eliminate barriers that work to keep parents and families from being involved in their child’s education. This may include providing transportation and child care to enable parents to participate, arranging meetings at a variety of times, and being creative with parent/teacher conferences;
Find and modify other successful parents, family, and community engagement programs to suit the needs of our district;
Train parents, families, and the community to enhance and promote the involvement of other parents, families, and members of the community;
Provide reasonable support for other parents, family, and community engagement activities as parents, families, and the community may reasonably request.
To ensure the continued improvement of the district’s parent, family, and community engagement program, the district will conduct an annual review of its parent, family, and community engagement policies to examine their effect on promoting higher student achievement. The review shall be done by a committee consisting of parents and other community members, certified and classified staff, and member(s) of the administration.
Goal 1
The LEA fosters effective parental involvement strategies and supports partnerships among schools, parents, and the community to improve student achievement.
The Pulaski County Special School District’s Title I Parent Coordinator will foster effective parental involvement strategies, coordinate parental involvement activities with those of other programs, and support partnerships among the school, parents, and the community to improve student achievement.
The District Parent Involvement Policy will be placed on the PCSSD homepage for parents to access the plan.
Each school will establish a Parent Facilitator to oversee Parental Involvement implementation.
A survey (annual review) of the effectiveness of the parental involvement policy will be utilized to get feedback. The Parental Involvement Survey from the previous year will be analyzed to meet the needs of the Parents better.
In addition, a perception survey will be sent to all parents to determine perceptions of each school’s effectiveness.
Pulaski County Special School District will reserve a minimum of 1% of the district’s Title I, Part A allocation for parental involvement.
Schools will involve parents in annual meetings led by the school’s parent involvement facilitator to review the school parent involvement plan.
Goal 2
The district provides coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement.
The English as a Second Language Coordinator will ensure, to the extent possible, that information is sent home in a language and form that parents can understand.
Each school’s parent involvement policy is posted on the district website, which provides translation into 12 different languages.
The Title I Parent Coordinator will enhance the awareness and skills of teachers, pupil service personnel, principals, and staff in reaching out to, communicating with, and working with parents as equal partners.
The district will monitor each Title I, Part A school to ensure that each school performs the following tasks:
The school parent facilitator will assist with the development of the school’s parental involvement policy. The school parent facilitator will provide an electronic copy of the school’s parent involvement policy to the district Title I Parent Coordinator. Each school’s plan will be placed on PCSSD’s webpage and will be distributed at school parent involvement meetings.
School Parent Facilitators will offer flexible meeting times.
Each school’s parent facilitator and principal will provide information to parents about the school's program.
Each Title I school’s parent facilitator and principal will develop and use the School-Parent Compact, which describes how the school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.
Provide training for parents in working with their children to improve academic achievement.
Encourage parents to visit/volunteer at school by assisting staff in developing volunteer opportunities as well as training staff to encourage and build volunteer efforts.
Encourage parent participation through creative scheduling of activities through strategies such as holding meetings at a variety of times in the morning or evening.
The school’s parent facilitator will provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve academic achievement. Each Title I school will provide the dates of the training, the topics that will be covered, the name of the facilitator, and their contact number in their individual school plan.
Parental Involvement training will be held to train Parent Facilitators on effective Parental Involvement practices. Parent Facilitators will take the information back to the local school.
Training will be conducted to train Administrators in every building in dealing with better ways of Communicating with Parents.
Goal 3
The district builds the school's capacity for strong parental involvement.
The school’s parent facilitator and principal will provide information to participating parents in such areas as national, state, and local education goals, including parents’ rights as defined in Title I, Part A.
The school’s parent facilitator will assist in developing parent engagement groups at their school.
The district Title I Parent Coordinator and school parent facilitators will involve parents through an annual survey to improve school effectiveness.
Approve reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental involvement activities.
Provide any reasonable support for parental involvement at the request of participating Title I, Part A schools
Goal 4
The district conducts, with the involvement of parents, an ongoing evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy as it relates to strategies for increasing parental participation and identifying barriers to greater participation.
The district Title I Parent Coordinator will survey parents annually, including questions to identify obstacles to parental involvement.
The Parent Advisory Council, which will include: parents, teachers, and community leaders, will meet annually to review the Parental Involvement Plan.
The district Title I Parent Coordinator will coordinate the meeting and make recommendations and provide suggestions as it relates to parent involvement.
Develop procedures for collecting parent participation documentation through sign-in lists for workshops, meetings, and conferences; schedules; brochures; meeting notes; and other means as appropriate throughout the school year.
Goal 5
The district will involves parents in the joint development of the district Title I Application under section 111.
The Federal Programs Coordinator will recruit parents to serve on the district ACSIP committee to develop the Title I Application.
To ensure the continued improvement of the district’s parental/community involvement program, the district will conduct an annual review of its parental involvement policies to examine their effect on promoting higher student achievement. The review shall be done by a committee consisting of parents and other community members, certified and classified staff, and member(s) of the administration.
This policy shall be part of the school’s Title I plan and shall be distributed to parents of the district’s students and provided, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
Legal References:
20 U.S.C. § 6318
A.C.A. § 6-15-1702
A.C.A. § 6-15-1703
A.C.A. § 6-15-1704
A.C.A. § 6-28-116
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Parental Involvement Plans and Family and Community Engagement
Date Adopted: 10/10/17
Last Revised: 5/1/23
The district shall comply with the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. The district shall charge the requestor the actual costs of reproduction, including the costs of the medium of reproduction, supplies, equipment, and maintenance, but not including existing district personnel time associated with searching for, retrieving, reviewing, or copying the records. The district shall also charge the actual costs of mailing or transmitting the record by facsimile or other electronic means.
The district may, at its discretion, agree to summarize, compile, or tailor electronic data in a particular manner or medium and may agree to provide the data in an electronic format to which it is not readily convertible. Where the cost and time involved in complying with the requests are relatively minimal, the district will provide the data as requested. However, if the time involved exceeds two hours of personnel time, the district will charge the actual, verifiable costs of personnel time exceeding two hours associated with the tasks, in addition to copying costs. The charge for personnel time shall not exceed the salary of the lowest paid employee or contractor who, in the discretion of the district, has the necessary skill and training to respond to the request. An itemized breakdown of charges shall be provided the requestor. The District reserves the right to waive the fee once per calendar year per requestor.
Date Adopted: 12/10/13
Last Revised: 10/10/17
The Board believes that outstanding service or performance on behalf of the District by students, employees, Board members or other citizens should be recognized by the Board and Superintendent. The Superintendent is directed to establish appropriate award systems for various categories of service and performance, and to receive recommendations from principals and other employees who seek recognition above the building level for students, staff and other citizens in their communities. Forms of recognition to be extended include but not limited to letters of commendation, certificates, plaques, service pins and formal adoption of resolutions of appreciation by the Board.
Adopted: 1/11/83
Revised: 10/10/17
Manual Adoption: 2/8/00