Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
In compliance with state law, school districts are required to post specific information regarding their operations as part of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requirements. For the Pulaski County Special School District (PCSSD), such information is contained in documents listed in the website’s State Required Information. If the information an individual, organization or media outlet is seeking is not found in these or other documents posted on this website, requests may be made by submitting the Freedom of Information Act Record Request form located on this webpage. Additionally, requests may be made via email to, in person at PCSSD Central Office, or via mail at 925 East Dixon Road, Little Rock, Ark. 72206.
PCSSD makes every effort to comply with the letter and the spirit of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. Any citizen of Arkansas may ask to inspect or copy any public record in the District's custody or control. Some records maintained by the District are exempt from disclosure under state or federal law, in order to protect the privacy rights of students, teachers, and PCSSD employees. Student records are specifically protected by federal laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). However, the vast majority of the District's records are open to inspection after relevant redactions are made.
The PCSSD will confirm receipt of FOIA requests immediately. PCSSD will provide the documents responsive to all requests within three business days, as required by law. When the requested documents are in active use or storage, or when the requested documents are voluminous and require extensive review for required redactions, PCSSD will inform the requester of the anticipated date of completion. Details regarding the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act provisions may be found here.