PCSSD's Board Policy 5.29: Wellness Policy calls for the creation of a School Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Committee (SNPAAC) or Wellness Committee.
To enhance the district’s efforts to improve the health of our students, the SNPAAC shall be formed. It shall be structured in a way to ensure age-appropriate recommendations are made that correlate to the District’s grade configurations. The SNPAAC shall have the powers and responsibilities delegated to it by statute and Rule and are incorporated into this policy by reference. The overarching goal of the committee shall be to promote student wellness by monitoring how well the District is doing at implementing this policy. The SNPAAC shall use modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, and 11 of the Centers for Disease Control’ (CDC) School Health Index as a basis for annually assessing each school’s progress toward meeting the requirements of this policy. The results of the annual assessment shall be included in the school district’s support plan (SDSP), provided to each school’s principal, and reported to the board. Goals and objectives for nutrition and physical activity shall also be included in the SDSP.
The SNPAAC shall be made up of Individuals from the following groups to the extent interested persons from each group desire to be included in the development, implementation, and periodic review of the District's wellness policy:
Members of the District’s Board of Directors;
School administrators;
School nutrition personnel;
Teacher organizations;
Teachers of physical education;
Professional groups (such as nurses);
School health professionals (such as school nurses, school counselors, and social workers); and
Community members.
The SNPAAC shall provide written recommendations to the District’s Child Nutrition Director concerning menus and other foods sold in the school cafeteria. Such recommendations shall be based, at least in part, on the information the Committee receives from the District on the requirements and standards of the National School Lunch Program and from menus for the National School Lunch Program and other food sold in the school cafeteria on a quarterly basis.
The SNPAAC will meet at least quarterly. Meeting dates for the SNPAAC will be placed on the District’s calendar.
To learn more about the committee or how you can become involved, please contact Mike Morrison at gmorrison1000@pcssd.org
Mike Morrison, Chairperson
Roy Clayton
Jessica Duff
Regena English
Dr. Nick Farr
Anna Haver
Cynthia Hines
James Loy
Brittany McDonald
Carly Mosely
Laura Sergeant
Lynette Slaughter
Detrich Smith
Dr. Janice Warren
2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 |
September 17, 202 | October 4, 2021 | September 14, 2022 | September 13, 2023 |
December 2, 2020 | December 6, 2021 | November 16, 2022 | November 8, 2023 |
February 18, 2021 | February 7, 2022 | January 25, 2023 | February 7, 2024 |
April 22, 2021 | May 2, 2022 | May 15, 2023 | April 10, 2024 |
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Mike Morrison, 501-868-2400 | gmorrison1000@pcssd.org
Baker | Kevin Buchan | ||
Cato | Katie Beard | ||
Chenal | Brittany McDonald | ||
College Station | Reginald Barnes | ||
Crystal Hill | Michael Betyo | ||
Daisy Bates | Latoya Steele | ||
Harris | Antoinette Thomas Elizabeth Butera | ||
Landmark | Jay Loy | ||
Lawson | Julie Coker | ||
Oak Grove | Jarred White | ||
Oakbrooke | Angela Watson | ||
Pine Forest | Tonya Raborn | ||
Robinson Elementary | Jay Turner | ||
Sherwood | Tommy Wedge | ||
Sylvan Hills Elementary | Britney Hickman | ||
William Jefferson Clinton | Mark Anderson | ||
Maumelle Middle | Jack Casey | ||
Mills Middle | Brian Glass | ||
Robinson Middle | Angela Jones | ||
Sylvan Hills Middle | Bailee Wolfe | ||
Sylvan Hills Junior High | Karissa Campbell | ||
Maumelle High | Cade Pugh | ||
Mills University Studies High | Raymond Cooper | ||
Robinson High | Mike Morrison | ||
Sylvan Hills High | Chris Sierra |