Career & Technical Education

PCSSD offers career and technical focused education at all secondary schools in the district.

Middle School

Opportunities in Business, Career Guidance, Family and Consumer Science, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). KeyCoding is required in the 7th grade and Career Development is a requirement in the 8th grade. The following electives are also offered, but may vary by school:

High School

Opportunities in Business/Marketing, Career Readiness/Work-Based Learning, Family and Consumer Science, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Trade and Industry. These vary by high school and are grouped in programs of study. Students may take a course even if they do not plan on completing the pathway as long as any prerequisites have been met.

In addition to the educational classes, PCSSD also offers career readiness and work-based learning opportunities.

  • Internships

  • Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG)

  • Youth Apprenticeship

  • Freshman Seminar


Tiffani Grayer
Director of Career Readiness