PCSSD absence policy (Board Policy 4.7) allows for 10 absences per semester. If a student is approaching 10 absences, the school office will notify the guardian. The guardian can petition for additional days directly with the school principal. If a student is absent for a medical reason, please provide a doctor's note to school office.
2024-2025 Back to School Guide
First Day of School: Monday, August 19, 2024

Absence Policy

All important dates for the school year have been added to the calendar on the District website. This includes holidays, closures, board meetings, and more. Each school also has a calendar on its website with school-specific events. These calendars will be updated throughout the school year with new events.

Extended Care
PCSSD is continuing its partnership with Right at School to offer an after care program this year. The program offers after care options for students at Baker, Cato, Chenal, Crystal Hill, Oakbrooke, Pine Forest, Robinson, Sherwood, Sylvan Hills and William Jefferson Clinton. Learn more about the program and registration info by clicking here.

Parent/Student Handbook
The parent/student handbook is provided in order to share the rules and consequences within our schools and the District. The policies and procedures addressed in this handbook are critical to establishing an environment conducive to learning at each school and throughout the District. You can access the student handbook here or click here for the Spanish version.

Student Nutrition
Families are encouraged to apply for Free and Reduced cost meals. Guardians can also set up an online dining account with EZ School Pay to pay for student meals. 19 schools will receive free breakfast and lunch under Provision 2 beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. Monthly menus are available at pcssd.nutrislice.com or by downloading the Nutrislice app.

Bell Schedules
The start and end time for all schools can be found on the District website. Elementary schools will begin at 7:45 a.m. and dismiss at 2:45 p.m. Secondary schools vary by location so please check each school website for more information. A quick link can be found on the homepage of each school.

Chromebook Insurance & Technology Consent
PCSSD provides Chromebooks to all of our students to enhance their instructional journey. To avoid unwanted extra costs, the District offers Chromebook insurance for just $27. The deadline to sign up is October 3, 2024.
To enhance our academic programs, we use various online tools and resources designed for educational purposes. Parents can give permission for their child to use these platforms to facilitate the learning process.

EZ School Pay
All parents are encouraged to create a FREE EZ School Pay account for the 2024-2025 school year. This can be used to make payments to your student's cafeteria account, view cafeteria balances anytime and see what your student is purchasing in the cafeteria. Additionally, this year EZ School Pay will be used for other online purchases like school activities and student fees.

School Based Health Clinic
The school-based health center for Pulaski County Special School District is a convenient choice for medical and behavioral health care services for students and staff during school hours. Please complete the medical consent form.

Social Media
The department of communication shares important information and exciting news on its social media throughout the year. Be sure to follow PCSSD on each platform: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Every school also has its own Facebook page with school-specific information and highlights posted regularly. The school Facebook pages are labeled: SCHOOL NAME - PCSSD.

Bus Routes
All bus routes can be found on the District website no later than August 14. They are currently located on the District website and all school websites.
There is a chance for bus route times to change as additional routes are added. Please be sure to check your child’s route info prior to the first day of school. If you cannot find a particular route, please contact the route supervisor for your assigned zone. Transportation Route Supervisors are listed with the main office phone number at each bus depot location.

Dress Code
Students in all grade levels at all PCSSD schools are expected to follow the District’s dress code policy.

Media Consent
Guardians have the right to opt out of media (photo, video, etc.) coverage for his/her student. Granting permission allows the student to participate in interviews, photos, videotaping, school/district publications, newspaper articles, and local media coverage.

School Supply Lists
School supply lists can be found on each school website. We’ve compiled a list of all the school supply lists here with links to the supply lists by school name. You can also view school supply lists directly from your student’s school website.

Volunteer Info
Volunteers provide supportive and supplemental services under the direction and supervision of a teacher or staff member within/for a school. Volunteers must complete a background check in order to be an approved PCSSD volunteer. Volunteering includes any interaction with a group of students at a school-sanctioned event, whether it's at the school or off campus. By volunteering in our schools you are making a difference in the lives of our students, providing needed support to teachers and staff, and helping with the many activities and events during the school year.