Advancement Via Individual Determination
What is AVID?
PCSSD is implementing AVID in every grade level at all elementary, middle and high schools across the district. Our AVID teams are eagerly promoting this system which increases student engagement, promotes classroom collaboration and activates deeper levels of learning in their classrooms with practical, immediately useful tools and instructional strategies. Teachers who participate in AVID professional learning begin to shift their beliefs about teaching and learning, allowing them to cultivate a growth mindset both for themselves and their students.
AVID Mission Statement
AVID’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.
The AVID Advantage
Reduces variation in classroom instruction.
Leverages grit and determination of students.
Emphasizes rigorous coursework, relevance of instruction and relationships.
Raises expectations of educators, students and their families.
Re-energizes the staff on campus and in the district.
AVID for Elementary Schools
Putting future leaders on an early path to success in school
AVID Elementary engages young learners and provides them with the critical skills to become confident, independent thinkers who have a thirst for learning. Teachers use AVID strategies to provide students with:
Proven ways to succeed in school
Writing to learn, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading to learn
Note-taking and time management skills
Best ways to work together inside and outside of the classroom
AVID for Secondary Schools
Moving future leaders toward college success and beyond
AVID’s teaching strategies and curriculum build positive teacher-student relationships to ensure student success schoolwide. AVID Elective students:
Proven ways to succeed in school
Enroll in advanced courses (AP®)
Receive academic instruction and tutorial support
Strengthen their writing skills
Improve study and organization skills
Gain “college knowledge”
Visit colleges and explore careers
College, Career Tech, and Military Acceptance Rates of PCSSD AVID Seniors
Students | Acceptance Rate | |
Maumelle HS | 35 | 100% |
Mills HS | 14 | 100% |
Robinson HS | 15 | 95% |
Sylvan Hills HS | 41 | 100% |